My Garage

Tire Storage

Beat The Tire Rush

Benefits of Tire Storage at Dealerships

Car tires are vital components of vehicles and should be stored properly, and a dealership is a perfect place to keep them. Dealership tire storage offers many benefits that make it the ideal choice. Here are some of the benefits that come with tire storage at a dealership.


Tire storage at a dealership ensures that your tires are stored securely and safely. The dealership will also have temperature-controlled settings to help protect the tires from extreme heat or cold weather conditions, which can cause tire damage. Most dealerships will also have surveillance cameras monitoring the area so that you can be sure your tires are fully protected.

Cost Savings

Storing your seasonal tires at a dealership can save you money. With your tires better protected, they wear down more slowly. This eliminates the need to replace your tires too often, saving you money.


The convenience of tire storage at a dealership is unmatched. You don't have to worry about taking the tires to a storage facility or handling the task yourself. You also don't have to worry about the tires taking up valuable space in your garage. Instead, you can have them removed by expert technicians from our dealership's Service Centre, and they will take care of the rest.

Store Your Tires at Our Dealership Today

Chatham Honda is the leading dealership in Chatham, Ontario. We provide customers with excellent tire storage options that are safe, secure, and temperature-controlled storage. Contact us today to learn more about our tire storage services!

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